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High quality skill data. Finally.

Only 10% of organisations have a skills database, but it's an essential first step to becoming a skill-based organisation.

What is a skill framework?

  1. Skill Taxonomy - a hierarchical structure of skills that make up the business
  2. Job Architecture - a structured view of all jobs within the organisation
  3. Job-To-Skill Mapping - the connection between jobs and skills

Too often, organisations spend years trying and failing to build a skill framework. They rely on off-the-shelf solutions, maintaining them through manual processes with internal roles and external consultants or through traditional vendors. But these solutions fall short.

They are not: 

  • Tailored specifically to your organisation
  • Comprehensive - connecting to all of the skill data you have on your people 
  • Dynamic - constantly evolving with your organisation as jobs and the workforce changes

Want to make sense of the skills data you have? Take the first step on your SBO journey with TechWolf. Get in touch. 

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Skill Taxonomy

Building the foundations of a skill-based organisation with a skill framework

Untitled design (8)

Our skill-based organisation methodology

“With TechWolf we can find out at any time what skills and competencies are currently present at Telenet. We have also started an exercise to compare industries to try and predict how digital and data profiles will evolve to inform recruitment.”

Kris Legroe,
Director of Employee Services, Telenet

TechWolf Customers